Orange County criminal defense attorney, Ashley Daniel, handles a number of different types of criminal offenses. As a former prosecutor, Mr. Daniel has an intimate knowledge of legal matters ranging from infractions and misdemeanors to serious felony charges.

Why Do You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney

The Law Office of Ashley Daniel strongly believes that every individual has the right under the United States Constitution to be considered innocent until found guilty. Each and every one of us who has been charged with a crime deserves the right to a vigorous defense. There are few things in this world as frightening as facing arrest, prosecution, potential conviction and incarceration.

The consequences of a criminal conviction could follow you for the rest of your life. Individuals who are facing criminal charges in Orange County – be it a DUI, theft, murder, federal crimes, or sexual assault – you are looking at repercussions ranging from jail or prison time to fines, loss of employment, loss of professional licenses and having a criminal conviction on their permanent records. Having a criminal conviction on your record could jeopardize your future opportunities for housing, employment, licensing and education.

If you have been charged with a crime or if you know you are under investigation by the authorities, it is crucial that you contact an experienced Orange County criminal defense attorney right away. Getting an experienced criminal lawyer on your side as soon as possible will give you the best possible opportunity to clear your name, be vindicated and get your life back.

If you are in need of an attorney, schedule your free consultation today by filling out our contact form.

Why Do You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney in Orange County?

Many individuals who have been charged with crimes in Orange County may hesitate to contact a criminal defense attorney due to concerns about what it might cost them. A number of people who believe they cannot afford to hire a criminal defense attorney tend to be represented by public defenders who are essentially lawyers appointed by courts to represent defendants who cannot afford to retain the services of a lawyer.

A public defender is a lawyer who works for the county public defender’s office, which is an agency funded by the government to provide legal representation to those in need. The court appoints the public defender’s office to represent a defendant who needs their services and the public defender’s office assigns lawyers to cases.

Orange County also has a Federal Public Defender’s Office (Central District of California), which represents indigent clients charged with federal crimes. While you don’t have to pay a public defender to represent you, there are still several advantages to hiring a private criminal defense lawyer in Orange County.

This is because public defenders are often saddled with staggering caseloads, which gives them much less time to devote to your case. There are severe limitations in terms of time and money available for these programs.

These limitations may manifest in several ways including less time for attorney-client conferences, which means less planning. The public defender might not have the time and resources it takes to independently investigate a case including forensic testing.

At the Law Office of Ashley Daniel, we are able to devote our full attention to the cases we handle. We have the time and resources necessary to conduct a thorough, independent investigation and assemble witnesses and experts who can help solidify your defense.

Types of Cases We Handle in California

Types of Cases We Handle

Here are some of the types of cases our Orange County criminal defense attorneys handle:

DUI cases: It is illegal under California law to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. If you are convicted of a DUI, you may be looking at consequences such as jail time, loss of driver’s license, fines, alcohol/drug education programs and installation of an ignition interlock device in your vehicle. Our Orange County DUI attorneys can help you fight the DUI charge and assist you with achieving the best possible outcome in your case.

Drug crimes: Drug crime charges in Orange County, whether you are facing a drug possession charge or selling or transporting drugs, can result in serious consequences for defendants. Drug crime convictions have the potential to result in jail or prison time, hefty fines and enrollment in a drug treatment program. An experienced Orange County drug attorney can employ a number of defenses to help acquit you of these serious charges or reduce the severity of the charges.

Assault/Battery: You could face assault and/or battery charges in Orange County even if you don’t physically strike or injure another person. Often, the threat of an assault is sufficient for a defendant to be charged. Assault and battery charges could be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the nature and circumstances of the incidents and the injuries sustained by the victim.

Murder: A homicide or murder charge is probably the most serious charge an individual can face. A murder case often ends up in a jury trial, which can be complex. As with any criminal case, the burden of proof in a murder case rests on the prosecution. This means it is up to the prosecutor to prove your guilt. Defendants in murder cases who are convicted could be looking at the death penalty or life in prison with or without the possibility of parole.

Theft: California law defines theft as the intentional and unlawful taking of property. For a theft to have occurred, the owner of the property must have been permanently deprived of the property by the offender. For example, if the defendant borrowed the property with the intention of returning it, that is not theft under the law. The severity of theft charges often depends on the nature and circumstances of the incident and possibly, the defendant’s criminal history. Our criminal defense attorneys represent defendants against petty theft and grand theft charges.

Domestic violence: Under California law, it is a crime to harm or threaten to harm a spouse, cohabitant, intimate partner or other members of the household such as children. Common criminal charges in domestic violence cases include domestic battery and inflicting corporal injury on an intimate partner. However, there are several cases where individuals may be wrongfully charged with domestic violence. The consequences of these charges could be severe including jail time, probation and loss of child custody. We can help you fight these charges and vindicate yourself.

Sex crimes: These types of crimes can also range in severity depending on the degree of violence involved and the age of the victim, among other things. Some examples of sex crime cases we take on include rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, child sex abuse, indecent exposure and possession of child pornography. In addition to other types of repercussions, sex crime defendants, if convicted, may also face having to register as a sex offender.

White-collar crimes: White-collar crimes could range from bribery, burglary, credit card fraud and embezzlement to healthcare fraud, identify theft, forgery, Internet fraud and mail fraud. The crucial key to success in defending white-collar crimes is to get a knowledgeable lawyer on your side early on in the process. If you know you are being investigated, call a lawyer who could potentially prevent the charges from being filed.

Parole violations: Parole is essentially a conditional release from prison before your term has been completed. When you are on parole, you are still under sentencing, but serve your time outside of confinement. However, any violation of the terms or conditions of parole can result in you returning to jail or prison. Our defense lawyers can help fight for your rights and keep you out of jail.

Contacting an Experienced OC Criminal Defense Attorney

Contacting an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney

If you have been arrested on suspicion of committing a crime or if you are under investigation, the experienced Orange County criminal defense attorneys at the Law Office of Ashley Daniel can help fight for your rights and formulate a strong defense. We understand the repercussions of a criminal conviction. Call us for a no-cost consultation and case evaluation.

If you are in need of representation for a DUI charge in Orange County, domestic violence, theft, assault and battery, burglary, drug crimes, deadly weapon charges, a hit and run arrest, or any other criminal matter, contact the Law Office of Ashley Daniel.